Game is Going on Hiatus, and Being Conpletely Redone

The title sums up this devlog well. Development of the game has slowly but surely slowed to a complete stop. Why? I wanna blame it on poor writing, which is mostly my own fault. As of thus far, the actual story and progression of the game was mostly written as I typed it into the code. Which is… okay, I mean it mostly works, but especially for a game that heavily focuses on the story and progression, this is a really lazy way to go about things and I believe it can be much, much better. So that’s why the entire game (except for minimal ideas and some of the assets) is heing completely redone. I joked about this on April Fools, but this is now a very real decision. All current builds have also been removed from the gamepage as I believe they badly represent what I want to do now. As with the hiatus part, work on the actual physical game itself has stopped, but not ideas and writing. I will continue to do these (along with other members of the team), planning ahead this time around instead of mostly writing as I go along. I hope everyone understands, I wish to majorly improve the game. Have a good day.

~Distorted Mouse

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